<aside> đŸ’¡ This is a curated collection of useful links for anyone in the tech industry. Feel free to reach out to me anytime as my DMs are always open. Created by Trung Vo :)


Untitled Database

Instagram (@golimitlesss)

Instagram (@neuronvisuals)

<aside> đŸ’¡ - Rule 1: if it takes 2 minutes to do, get it done now

Two 2-minute Rules to Beat Procrastination (in 2 minutes)


<aside> đŸ’¡ Get 1% better at a time

How to change your life in 2 minutes


<aside> đŸ’¡

  1. Work Accomplished = Time spent x Intensity, emphasizing the importance of focus when studying;
  2. The importance of having a system to achieve a goal, rather than solely focusing on the end result; and
  3. The concept of finding one's "sweet spot" in studying, is a balance between challenge and ease.

3 Study Tips from 3 Books in 3 Minutes


Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace


Conventional Comments

Asynchronous Communication: Every Company Going Async-First | Buildremote

How I Use Slack. Slack may be the single most important…

Git Flow vs. Trunk Based Development

Code Reviews

đŸ’¡Career Ladder

Remote Engineering Career Paths

Career Ladders for Tech, Open Sourced

Sourcegraph handbook


Sharing Our Engineering Ladder - RTR Dress Code

Engineering Career Framework