
✔️ Branch and commit names are correct
✔️ Screenshots included
✔️ Documentation is created
✔️️ Code is readable
✔️ Styleguides and naming conventions are followed
✔️ Folders / Files structure is reasonable
✔️ Code is structured well. Functions should be broken down into smaller ones
✔️ Tests

User Testing

Code Quality (Only done if user testing does not reveal any issues)

As a rule of thumb, almost no code review should be ready on the first pass. There is almost always a line of code, an oversight or a question that should be asked.

For bonus points, record a short video over that shows any potential errors or bugs you’ve noticed. It is typically easier to show a developer a bug over video rather than writing some complex case that will lead to a back-and-forth in the comment section.

Lastly, be respectful and helpful!